Vision without action is merely a dream. - Joel Arthur Barker Here at Inkandescent, our vision is to be a light amidst darkness and our desire is to provide you with photography and design which reflect the beauty and power of His creation. Inkandescent was also founded with the objective of funding social justice advocacy groups. Inkandescent contributes 100% of all profits and 100% of all donations to fund international and domestic efforts to help the poor and disenfranchised. Some of the projects Inkandescent supports include: - education, vocational training, and job creation programs in developing nations Our ultimate vision is a world where no child goes hungry, no mother comes home to find her family missing, no father cries out against injustice, street children are no longer existent, human trafficking is unheard of, and the impoverished have opportunity. For this reason, we not only contribute financially to these organizations, but our staff also volunteer their personal time and resources to further the cause of bringing light to darkness. To read more about organizations that Inkandescent sponsors, please check out our links page.